A mission of the Orchard is to be a comprehensive genetic library of named cultivars of Diospyros virginiana and Diospyros hybrid, our North American Persimmon and its hybrids with Asian persimmon varieties.  Additionally, we have an extensive collection of Asian persimmon cultivars that we are testing for cold resistance to Zone 7a, to facilitate crossing with hybrids.  Below are the varieties that are planted at the Orchard, and those that are in our grafting cycle to be planted when they are sufficiently robust.

Growers possessing cultivars that are not shown here are encouraged to reach out to AFFN with germplasm/scions.

This is especially important in view of climate fluctuations of all sorts – wind, rain, heat and cold – that we are all experiencing in greater measure everywhere.  Our Orchard is fortunate to be near the geographic center of the native distribution of many of our native plants, and also, we are quite near the Appalachian Mountain range, which has thus far been a climate moderating influence for the Orchard.  May it continue to be so!

The list of approximately 135 cultivars was last updated 7/20/2023.  Please reach out to us, if you have corrections to offer on cultivar names, or redundancies of which you are aware among the cultivars.  Clarifying confusion in names, which has arisen through the years, is also a goal of AFFN.


Diospyros virginiana (American) Diospyros hybrid (Amer x Asian)   Diospyros kaki (Asian)
WS8-10   David’s Kandy   Cardinal
100-42   Journey   Chinebuli
Celebrity   Kassandra   Chocolate
Deer Magnet   Saijo x Rosseyanka   Fire Crystal
Early Jewel – Claypool       Fuyu
Elmo       Giant Fuyu
Garretson       Great Wall
H-63A       Gwang Yang
I-115       Hanafuyu
J-59       Ichi ki kei Jiro
John Rick       Inchon
Killen       Jin Young Tam Kam
Lehman’s Delight       Jiro
Meader       Maekawa Jiro
Mohler       Maru
Morris Burton       Matsumoto
Prairie Dawn       Nishimura Wase
Prairie Gem       Raven
Prairie Sun       Rojo Brilliante
Prok       Saijo
Ruby       Sheng
Szukis       Suruga
Valeen Beauty       Tanenashi
Weber       Tecumseh
Wonderful       Yamoto
IN GRAFT        
Diospyros virginiana (American) Diospyros hybrid (Amer x Asian)   Diospyros kaki (Asian)
100-43   DEC Improved Rosseyanka   Brazzale
100-45   DEC NG x Thor Seedling   Bruquinel
100-46   Dr. Kazas Hybrid   Castellani
Ami   Hokkaido x Prok   Cheong Pyang
Breadroll 425-17   Mikkusu (JT-02)   Farmacista Honorati
C-100   Nikita’s Gift   Fujiwara Gosho
Claypool H-120   Rosseyanka   Gora Goverla
Claypool L-32   Zima Khurma   Honan Red
DEC Double ZF R1275       Lampadina
DEC Goliath       Mandarino
DEC Improved Geneva Red       Maru CA Strain
DEC King Krimson       Maru Zenji Strain
DEC Moneymaker       Miss Kim
DEC R11T4 ZIP       Nishimura Wase
DEC Sugar Hill       Nui Wai
DEC Valeen Queen       Oku Gosho
DEC Wannabee #2       Rispoli
Deer Candy       Sheng
Dollywood       Shoto (from Hershey’s)
DT Middle Fascinated       Sovietski Kaki
Early Golden       Suruga
Early Jewel       Thiene
Elmo       Tsurunoko
England’s Red       Vaniglia
Ennis Seedless       Yeddo
Fruit Dump        
Geneva Long        
Geneva Pumpkin        
Hershey’s Blue        
Iowa Arboretum (female)        
Jenny’s Early        
MacKenzie Corner        
Meyer’s Seedless        
SAA Pieper        
Weber Blue